FAMILIES – we are in search of handmade ornaments from kids for our COMMUNITREE window display!
How to participate:
1. Help your child make an ornament at home (3×4 inches max)
2. Drop off your ornament at the following locations:
Retro and Rad 308 Market St
Mon, Thu, Fri, Sat 11-7, Sun 11-6
Wax Melts on the Loose 308 Bridge Street
Mon, Tuesday 19-3, Wed, Thu 10-8:30, Fri, Sat 10-6
Oxford Hall 233 Bridge Street
Mon, Tue, Thu 10-4, Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4, Sun 12-4
3. Stop by the COMMUNITREE window at 310 Market Street to see your ornament!
We will accept ornaments up until December 23.